Ug. Tupperware parties. Ug. Tupperware parties with pregnant bellies all over the place??? Kill me now........ at least there was wine............. but why did i have to go???? of course i have to go. I have to pretend i am ok, that none of this gets to me. I really suck at that. Suck suck suck....... i am sure i look like a starving person drooling at a preggy belly like it was a rack of ribs!!!!
and the worst part is the insensitivy of friends who feel that their issue of trying was so difficult. Apparantly I have to relax. yes, maybe if i become a couch potato my uterus will relax into a nice Heart shape? T shape? anything but a banana!!!!
I have a baby shower this weekend. Great way to spend my week of pms.