Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Arguments suck...............

DH and I argued about a surrogate today................. I know, i am not even thinking of these things yet, but the councellor mentioned that some women do tandem cycles with a surrogate to guarantee the couple of a baby. DH flipped. He doesnt even want to talk about that until the lap. While I understand his point of view, I need to talk..............


UU sucks today


  1. Hi Alchemist - Chopper1 here.

    My DH is much the same - I like to cross all possible bridges where I can so that I am prepared should the time arrive. He just wants to live in the here and now and address things as and when they happen. I absolutly canNOT live my life like that. Although it cheeses him off most of the time, he is slowly learning to "understand" this side of me.
    Thinking of you

  2. Hey Al,

    Talk away girl, we are here to listen !!!

    Men it seems are way different and takes a while, but seem to come around and better understand us.

    Thinking of you !!!!!

  3. Congrats on your new blog :) I am sure your have lots of thoughts running through your head at the moment. I hope things are clearer after the lap.

    Lesley (richardsl)

  4. Hi Alchemist

    Mash here, I have been trying to post a comment all day, but technology is getting the better of me...

  5. YAY! It worked. Just goes to show what a software developer can do when she puts her mind to it ;-)

    So what I have been TRYING to say. I think that DH's have a problem with being faced with information suddenly. Of course a bit of a generalisation. I had a conversation with my DH in the waiting room at the FS, about IVF. I said to him, what if we need IVF, how would you feel about that? He was horrified, and wouldn't even talk about it. He told me to stop being so negative! How I laugh about that now that we have been given that as our only option. Now it's ME doubting and him encouraging. He just needed a bit of time to get used to the idea, that's all.

    I'm sure your DH will be the same. Just give it time!

  6. thanks guys for contribiting to my blog....makes me feel loved (which is hard when you read my next post :p)
