Tuesday, August 24, 2010

IUI Tommorrow

ok ok......we are finally doing...shudder.....fertility treatment.....oooo its like a naughty secret. Hmmm, have a 20mm folli on my right side (very anxious little guy). Trigger tonight, IUI tom and thursday. I am praying that Hashem Blesses me with a positive outcome and that He sees fit to help my dream come true.

There said it. Its out there. Yes, I want this to work. ok, now to keep myself busy....tick tock tick tock

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ye ye ye.......

I am soooooooooo over this week. It has sucked royally, except for last nights ice skating, where i was top of the class (and the class clown) lol.....

Having serious PMS (due on the weekend) and that sushi dinner last night wasnt the best of plans....woke my up at 3 in the moring to catch up on some light reading......

Still having dread thoughts about next month and terrified fibroids are recurring (having had horrible cramps since ovulation this month).......uh oh......

will find out next week, me guess........

Friday, August 6, 2010

Well we didnt go for the councelling. we were both freaked out.......

so we going to attempt an IUI before going the big guns and the IVF route. I figured out that a lot of my anger and insecurities was about transferrance. i kept blaming hubby, thinking he was dragging his feet, but in reality i was terrified of going through IVF with no success. So we are going to work our way through the system and do it slower but in a better mindset...

in the meantime lots of intimacy and bonding :D

So next cycle we start the scanning again and are on the road of the next chapter. Pray i dont wing out again .......