Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I know there is like zero chance of conceiving this cycle (due to my left side ovulation) but I cant help wondering if this twinge or that ache is a symptom. While I am glad to have an excellent doctor who is holding my hand through my cycles and giving me up to the day feedback on what is going on inside, its also hard knowing that this cycle is out.

I have come this far and gone through so much and now its not going to happen this month. I am thankfull I am still in the running to have children, but I wish i could just KNOW i am going to conceive really soon. It would make me feel more relaxed.

Anyways, I am having 14 ppl from DHs work over on friday night for our Shabbos (Sabbath). Now that i am back to working full time i have to precook everything. I made chicken soup and dessert last night (hope it will stay nice till tom night) and tonight i am precooking the ribs......

Very tiring and i still have to shop for quinoa (yummy) and salad stuff............. but you know, all this keeps my mind busy and off TTCing....... I could never not work or keep busy. Sometimes you need the distraction of life to keep your mind off thinking about life..............

1 comment:

  1. It would make life so much easier if we could have the answers in advance! We could get over it and move on, or start decorating the nursery!!!
