Thursday, January 14, 2010

PCTs.... oh the joys

Well, turns out I am extremely hostile and that includes my cervical mucus. None of the little men survived - DH said it explained a lot (jokingly)

So I am douching tonight in bicarb (with a turkey baster - I totally give up cooking chicken !!!!) and retesting tom. He thought maybe doing an IUI but since I am ovulating on my wrong side, we decided it wasnt worth the effort......

DH was in with me today (sex is a good argument ender lol) and we were kidding around so much. Dr J had to take a 2nd sample and i was moaning about it, so DH pretended to knock him on the head.....i packed out laughing. Dr J must have thought I was nuts.....then he says "oh right you the one with the funny uterus"so I said "funny as in funny ha ha????? or funny in heres a great case study"

anyways, glad the injection is over (DH was trying to help but he is such a baby when I took it out he ran out the room)

Oh and I saw an old friend at the specialist (shes obviously trying for her 2nd) and she said her hubby had testicular cancer. Sometimes we are so focused on ourselves, and that even though we may have issues, so does everyone else............


  1. Dr J is so empathetic that I'm sure he was just pleased you weren't using his tissues! Anyhow, if you can't laugh sometimes you'd probably end up in a nut house!!

  2. Finally getting caught up on some blog reading. . .

    I applaud you for being able to keep a sense of humor about any of this. Fertility struggles are so hard!

